Day 7: Sun Poisoniiiiinnnnnnnng

I knew I’d gotten burned yesterday after being outside all day, even with a hat and long sleeves and sunglasses (damned snow, being all reflective). Steve had gotten a little scorched as well, and we both woke up completely wiped out. He was a little nauseous but more or less okay-ish… and I was completely wrecked. Pounding headache, fever, queasy, totally exhausted. I barely made it through the morning stroll to the river to confirm the continued presence of ice. (

There were moose out on the swamp when we went down for the morning inspection. I’m glad Steve got photos, because I was waaaaaay too barfy to appreciate the wonder of nature at the time.

We spent the day in the tent rehydrating. I didn’t do much more than sleep; Steve finished his book and then stuck his cold hands on my hot face while repeatedly asking if he could make tea for me.