Where have you guys been!?

Spoiler alert: we’re not dead.

Summer of 2018 was sort of a bummer for us paddling-wise because I ditched Steve to work as a protection ranger at a glorious place called Isle Royale in Michigan. We had the best of intentions about getting the tales of our St John shenanigans online as soon as we got back from the trip, but two problems emerged regarding that plan: one, Steve hates typing. Two, it turned out Isle Royale had questionable internet at best, being 99% wilderness area, so I was stuck on an island with a pile of field notes and no way to post. This one’s on me, folks. At some point there will probably be some cool pictures from my times canoeing around ISRO and I’ll talk about how sad it was to go paddling alone, or maybe I’ll just tell the story of how I had to punch a moose.

Anyways, we’ll be making up for lost time over the next couple of weeks because our next bad idea in a boat is about to get underway. The first week in April we’ll be heading SOUTH (…it’s almost like we learned something from our St John experience) to track down the headwaters of the Potomac and make our way down to the Chesapeake Bay. More details on that to come, but let’s just say there’s a non-zero chance we’ll get arrested for putting the canoe in the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool.

Stay tuned!

We swear, not everything we do is a godawful miserable time. See? That’s some nature right there.